TESA Press
3 min readAug 30, 2024


Photo credit: ITCC UI

The Industrial Training Coordinating Centre, ITCC University of Ibadan held its annual orientation program on August 29, 2024, at the Technology Theatre Lecture, Faculty of Technology for students going on their six-month Industrial Training by the second semester of the 2023/2024 session. The event was the first in-person orientation since the COVID-19 pandemic.

The orientation marked the presence of Mr Ibrahim Olugbemiga, a representative from the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) Abuja and Mr Ayobami Oluwatayo, the Area Manager Secretary for ITF Ibadan.

To begin with, Dr. A. O. Ojelabi, the director of ITCC welcomed the students and emphasised the importance of the orientation. “This orientation is an opportunity to equip you with the necessary information, tools, and rules to follow as you transition from academic theories to industry practices”, he stated. The ITCC director reflected on the growth of the IT program at the University of Ibadan which started four decades ago in the Faculty of Technology with all the departments inclusive and has now expanded to include about forty departments across the university including Computer Science, Architecture, Nursing and Environmental Health departments that will be scheduled for the 6-month IT alongside the Faculty of Technology.

ITCC & ITF officials with the Class Representatives

Regarding the financial aspect of the IT program, Dr A. O. Ojelabi acknowledged the insufficiency of the 15,000 Naira stipends provided to students for the whole period of IT. He urged the ITF to advocate for an increase, noting that it is long overdue.

Moving on, Engineer Opadare, an ITCC staff member, explained the Process and Practice of SIWES (Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme). He stated the objectives of the program as having practical industry experience of classroom theories, building soft skills, and transitioning from school to workplace amongst others.

The orientation covered the entire process of the SIWES program from registration to seeking placement, submission of training documents and seminar presentations. Engineer Opadare advised the students to leverage their network to seek placement through their seniors, parents and the ITCC centre.

Further procedural details were given, such as the requirement to collect training documents which would mark the commencement of IT for the students, the six-month duration scheduled to kick off by September 30, 2024, and eligibility criteria which include not being pregnant or carrying over any academic course.

Engineer Opadare showed and explained the workings of the ITCC portal, and its features, emphasising that students must upload their acceptance letter and necessary details before submitting them to the centre. He enjoined students to give feedback about loopholes on the website.


Then, Mr Ayobami Oluwatayo, the Area Secretary for ITF Ibadan, provided guidelines for submitting the SCAF (Student Commencement of Attachment Form) form, a very important document for IT placement. He also discussed the importance of Form 8 and the logbook, which both require submission to ITF and ITCC for verification and completion.

As the orientation concluded, students were reminded of their roles as ambassadors of the University of Ibadan and were encouraged to make the most of the training opportunity.



TESA Press

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